Rights and roles

Below you can view the rights and what they mean.

Account rights:

With these rights you can:

  1. See which email you are logged in with
  2. See which subscription you have
  3. See if your account is already active
  4. Log out

Rights to cancel accounts and orders:

With these rights you can:

  1. Cancel an order
  2. Cancel an account

Rights category:

With these rights you can:

  1. See the history of your cash flow
  2. See the current contents of your cash register
  3. Add money to your cash register
  4. Take money out of your cash register

Rights to delete invoices and orders:

With these rights you can:

  1. Delete an order
  2. Delete an account

General settings rights:

With these rights you can:

  1. Go to general settings
  2. Manage printer settings
  3. Add a deposit system
  4. Add tax on your products
  5. Add tables/zones
  6. Import Excel files

Rights management categories:

With these rights you can:

  1. Add the categories
  2. Adjust the categories
  3. Delete categories

Manage employee rights:

With these rights you can:

  1. See all your employees in an overview
  2. Add new employees
  3. Adjust employees
  4. See the PIN code of your employees
  5. Remove employees

Manage rights for products:

With these rights you can:

  1. Add products
  2. Remove products
  3. Customize products

Rights statistics:

With these rights you can:

  1. See all statistics from the past month/week/day or today
  2. Include statistics

Manage stock rights:

With these rights you can:

  1. See an overview of all your products
  2. See an overview of your stock of your products
  3. Adjust the stock of your products
  4. Set the stock of your products to infinite

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