Create and manage staff

Instructions for creating a new employee:

Create a new employee

  1. Login via the app
  2. Enter your administrator PIN (if activated)
  3. Go to settings → manage staff
  4. Click on new employee
  5. Enter the employee's name
  6. Enter a PIN for access
  7. Enable or disable permissions for proper access
  8. Press save and the employee has been added
  9. If you want to add another employee, repeat from step 4

For example, you can also opt for a role structure instead of names, for example by entering personnel under names!

Manage staff instructions:

Adjust the rights of a role or employee

  1. Login via the app
  2. Enter your administrator PIN (if activated)
  3. Go to settings → manage staff
  4. Click on the employee's name
  5. Adjust the PIN code if necessary
  6. Adjust the permissions if necessary
  7. Press save and the employee has been adjusted
  8. If you want to adjust another employee, repeat from step 4

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Adjust VAT
Rights and roles