Set up online ordering integration

To start receiving your orders in the cash register app, follow the steps below

  1. Login via the app
  2. Enter your administrator PIN (if activated)
  3. Go to Settings
  4. Go to external integrations
  5. Click on the plus button
  6. Enter the name you want to use for the external integration (you can create multiple integrations, for example for pickup and delivery and QR ordering)
  7. Choose Made2Pay Online as the type
  8. Enter the API key you received in step 18
  9. Turn activated
  10. Go to
  11. Log in with your details (don't have an account yet, create one for free via this link
  12. Go to online orders
  13. Go to integrations
  14. Add a new integration by pressing add integration
  15. Choose custom integration
  16. Choose Poll Accepted Orders v2
  17. Press generate server key
  18. Press generate restaurant key and copy this code
  19. Choose which orders you want to accept in your checkout app
  20. Choose which order statuses you want to receive
  21. Press save
  22. Return to step 8 and enter your key that you copied in step 14
  23. Choose which printer(s) you want to use to print the online orders
  24. Press the V key to save

You can also choose to work with a separate app on which orders come in, send a message to [email protected] if you want to use this. Tip: you can also create multiple branches in Made2Pay Online . You can also have orders from multiple locations arrive on your Made2Pay cash register app.

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