
Review instructions times

Start filtering your statistics within a certain time:

  1. Login via the app
  2. Enter your administrator PIN (if activated)
  3. Go to Settings → Statistics
  4. Press “Set start time” and enter the start time
  5. Press “Ok”
  6. Press “Set end time” and enter the end time
  7. Press “Ok”
  8. Hurrah! You can now view the statistics between certain times
  9. Would you like to look back at other times? Then continue from step 4

For example, you can use these times to measure the busiest time of the day

Review period instructions

Start by filtering your statistics by a specific period:

  1. Login via the app
  2. Enter your administrator PIN (if activated)
  3. Go to Settings → Statistics
  4. Press “Set date range”
  5. Press the start and end date
  6. Press “save”
  7. Hurrah! You can now view the statistics between certain dates
  8. Would you like to view other data? Then continue from step 4

For example, you can also use this to look back at specific days

Export statistics instructions

Start by filtering your statistics by a specific period:

  1. Login via the app
  2. Enter your administrator PIN (if activated)
  3. Go to Settings → Statistics
  4. Press export
  5. Enter your email address
  6. Hurrah! you have exported your statistics
  7. Do you want to export even more statistics? Then continue from step 4

Check whether it is the correct information before you export it. You can also choose a preset for today, yesterday, last week and last month

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